Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Going Grocery Shopping

We are still pretty well covered when it comes to food, especially now that we are slowly but surely coming to the end of our stay in The Bahamas, but we were running low on fresh items and knew a little grocery store was within reach, so we decided to “go shopping”. That’s quite a different process from home. You get into the dinghy, bringing your radio, putting on sunglasses and hat, storing your money in a watertight bag. Then you get going. Let the following pictures show you:

You leave your home in the beautiful bay
(Hog Cay, Long Island, Bahamas).
You make sure you don't run aground in the shallow
water by standing and looking way ahead of you.
You follow the signs to the grocery store...
just kidding, that sign marked the deeper channel
through the shallow water.
You arrive at the dock.
You try to get rid of your garbage at the same time -
looking like a weird version of Santa in the process.
You get excited about the empty Chiquita boxes in front
of the store, because it means that you will be able to
buy yellow instead of black bananas today.
You are stunned that you find bottles of "Murray & Lanman
Florida Water Cologne", which is produced by your friend's aunt
in New York.
You feel like a hero coming home, having accomplished
a major thing that day.
And this is what you got home with. I had never seen
chicken breast in a can. It's actually quite good. The
Banana Marshmallow Pie not so much... Bananas
were really looking good. Ah, and beer is important, too.
And that's the track of our 15km round trip.

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